컨텐츠 바로가기 메뉴 바로가기 푸터 바로가기

School of Smart ICT

Department of Computer Engineering & Electronics

3-year Course

The education objective is to foster electronic appliance development specialists with on-site practical
technology suitable to community businesses.

Department of Industrial Management Engineering

3-year CourseIntensive Courses for BA Degree

Industrial management engineering is a science concerning methods for harmoniously coordinating all
areas consisting the industrial systems. To design, install, or improve complex systems in rapidly changing
conditions, it is necessary to efficiently integrate the individual system components as well as knowledge
about them. Industrial management engineering department fosters professional engineers with discerning
eyes that can see both trees and wood so that effective services may be provided timely as well as various
decision making is supported for the entire system. Industrial management engineering has performed
leading roles in diverse areas in the era of 4th industrial revolution in addition to the traditional areas relatedto manufacturing and quality, including IT, physical distribution, transportation, medicine and serviceindustries. In the recent years, it has been widely applied to the design and operation of industrial systemsfor finance, marketing, and HR management.

Department of Computer Software

3-year CourseIntensive Courses for BA Degree

Highly skilled creative and cooperative programmers leading the era of 4th industrial revolution are
fostered who are equipped with competencies for creative problem solving that can satisfy the field
demand of the software industry, new growth engine as well as core element of national competitiveness inthe era of 4th industrial revolution, collaboration ability for team projects, and practical work centeredcustomized portfolio.

Department of Mechatronics

3-year CourseIntensive Courses for BA Degree

Its objective is to train creative technology experts of the future industries which require high precision by
intensively educating the convergent technologies for the era of 4th industrial revolution in the areas of
computer simulation, software, control and automation based on the basic knowledge and applied
technologies concerning electricity, electronics, and mechanical engineering.

Department of Information & Commuications

3-year CourseIntensive Courses for BA Degree

The education objective of Department of Information & Commuications is to train specialists by cultivating
the ability for the students for themselves to enhance their practical skills and to select the area of their
employment and start-up by providing industry-academia united vocational education suitable to the era
of 4th industrial revolution (5G network, IoT, AI, etc.)

Department of Mechanical &
Automotive Engineering

3-year CourseIntensive Courses for BA Degree

The education objective is to foster specialists equipped with upright character and virtues and with
leadership in the eco-friendly future machinery and automobile industries to lead the 4th industrial
revolution, including designers and highly skilled talents equipped with testing and evaluation skills
required in the sustainable industrial fields for over next 40 years by providing hybrid-type education of
theories and testing and practice for developing capabilities from basic education to design and analysis.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

3-year Course

The department aims to train Mechanical engineers equipped with both creativity and practical skills required in the era of the globalized 4th industrial revolution by educating IT-convergent technologies such as those for precision automatic machines and smart factories based on the skills mechanical engineers required to have such as those for machine design and product production.